By Liam McGuire
January 20th, 2025
Harley Quinn’s iconic first appearance in The Batman Adventures #12 (by Kelley Puckett, Mike Parobeck, Rick Burchett, Rick Taylor, and Timothy Harkins) is getting a brand-new facsimile edition from DC Comics that will allow readers to relive her debut in 2025!
Harley Quinn debuted in Batman: The Animated Series, quickly becoming a fan-favorite villain. Originally the abused partner of The Joker, Quinn eventually developed a relationship with her fellow villain, Poison Ivy, which has become one of the most beloved romances in comics. Over time, Quinn shifted from Batman foe to antihero, even joining the Bat-Family. Now, DC is showcasing Quinn’s villainous roots in The Batman Adventures: The Facsimile Edition #12.
The reprint features original cover art from Mike Parobeck and Rick Burchett. A foil variant, blank variant, and Super Powers action figure variant will also be available. Check out the original image followed by the text solicit.
Harley Quinn makes her very first appearance in a comic book after her iconic TV debut, and the world would never be the same! Barbara Gordon is attending a costume party and decides to go dressed as none other than her hero and secret identity - Batgirl!

The Batman Adventures #12 Facsimile Edition from DC Comics arrives at CaptCan Comics on March 12, 2025. Pre-order the issue now to ensure you don't miss out!