Ravage 2099 2
Raw Grade:
Assigned grades on Raw Books have been determined by our team of in house professionals. We try to be as accurate to commonly accepted grading standards (Including Overstreet Guidelines and CGC Grading Standards), as humanly possible. For more information on assigned grades, see our Grading Guide.
Title: Ravage 2099, Issue: 2, Variant:
Publisher: Marvel
On Sale Date:
Page Count: PgCount
Cover Pencils: Paul Ryan (signed), Cover Inks: Paul Ryan (signed)
Story Inks: Keith Williams, Story Script: , Story Pencils: , Story Colors: Paul Ryan, Story Letters: Phil Felix
Genre: superhero
Characters: Ravage; Stormer; Deth-Stryk; Tiana; Dack
This data was obtained from the copyright holder, Grand Comics Database. The data is used and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The data has been modified from its original form, which can be found here.